Vitajte na stránkach spoločnosti Agro-Lent, s.r.o.

Spoločnosť AGRO-LENT s.r.o. Malý Šariš 189 vznikla dňa 12.9.1995.

Je zapísaná v Obchodnom registri OS Prešov , Oddiel: Sro, vložka č. : 3430/P.

Spoločnosť riadi päťčlenný vrcholový manažment pod vedením výkonného riaditeľa Ing. Petra Partla.

Spoločníci spoločnosti sú fyzické osoby, ktoré sa nepriamo podieľajú na riadení a prevádzke spoločnosti.


Predmetom podnikania je:

- poradenská činnosť v oblasti tvorby a ochrany životného prostredia

- poľnohospodárska prvovýroba

- upratovacie služby


Dátum vzniku:               12.9.1995

Právna forma:                spoločnosť s ručením obmedzeným

Sídlo spoločnosti:          Malý Šariš 189

IČO:                               31 403 123

DIČ:                               2020521514

Telefón:                         051/7722265



Páči sa Vám náš nový web?

Áno, veľmi (338)

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Ako zlepšiť náš web?

Dátum: 31.03.2022

Vložil: RusAgish

Titulok: Давнее пророчество ученые обнаружили в окраинах Москвы?

Великим провидящим составлен значение старого пророчества касательно России. В документах сообщается что Российское государство ожидает три войны, войны будут ощутимые для народа и правителей. В первых войнах Российское государство станет победителем. Российское государство одержит большую силу, но через более чем 50 лет после последней победы Русское государство распадается на несколько стран. Князь самой большой территории не примет это и по прошествии двадцати лет будучи на престоле, будет планировать мысли о восстановлении государств. Эта мысль станет крахом для России. Сперва он возьмет верх над морское пространство и назовет это значащей победой, через 10 лет он вознамериться расширить часть суши. Это принесет к ним только много смертей, народ большой страны будут погибать на чужой земле, а для других стран государство Россия станет чумой которую нужно уничтожать. Только убийство главя спасти народ. Что выберет народ?

Dátum: 15.03.2022

Vložil: RUSSIANCroda

Titulok: Нужна помощь! Мужа забрали и мобилизовали в армию с парома

РњРѕР№ любимый РјСѓР¶ позавчера вечером добирался на автобусе к себе домой в Новосибирск. Там подошли сотрудники военной прокуратуры и требовали предъявить паспорт гражданина Российской Федерации. После предоставления документов, ему сообщили что он арестован, как гражданин РФ, который игнорирует повестки. Так же сказали что он будет доставлен в областной военкомат или воинскую часть для для пополнения рядов в армии нашего государства. Сообщили информацию тридцать минут назад, там он смог позвонить родственникам. Он не получал повесток! Кто знает что можно сделать в этом беспределе?Отправляют ли воевать на Украину?

Dátum: 23.01.2022

Vložil: nym4811744tetcher

Titulok: tap4811744tjtyjy

mys4811744errtbh KfJoxgV 2URI L8Ush9N

Dátum: 22.01.2022

Vložil: Josephswilt

Titulok: Thanks!

I just want to say thank you for this great website. I found a solution here on for my issue.

Dátum: 27.12.2021

Vložil: postingavjy

Titulok: Mass online ads for growth of behavioural factors.

Dear sir!

Large-scale placement of ads on the online for organic growth of behavioural factors.
website: xn----ftbeand5abdikisgee.xn--p1ai/home/

Behavioural factors are certain actions of visitors on the internet resource, such as:
logging in to the online resource, viewing pages, time spent on the web page, “clicks” on links, repeated returns to the internet resource.

Unique Trading Offer:
Large-scale placement of your ads on the Internet in order to attract potential customers.
Growth of factors influencing consumer behaviour occurs by the large-scale placement of your ads without specifying the address of your web page, but with the indication of other identifying features according to which you presently become number one in the search results. These features can include a phone number, a unique name of the company or website, an identifier (number, product code, promotions, services), a physical address of the company and etc.

The large-scale attraction of potential customers to your website, services and products.
Organic growth of factors influencing consumer behaviour.

An increase in online resource visitors who will find your website directly from ads using search engines as well as through additional results of search engines themselves related to a large range of search queries on your topic.

1. Spread.
2. Quick placement.
3. Price.
4. Placement by subject.
5. The widest reach.
6. Targeting.
7. Growth of behavioural factors.


1.Large-scale attraction of potential customers to your services and products through direct traffic from ads.
2.Organic promotion of your web page, due to search beginning to additionally show it for the widest range of key queries based on your subject.
3. The absence of "filters" and "bans" of search, due to ads being placed without an indication of an url to the internet resource.
4. An increase in web page traffic, which leads to an increase in orders and an expansion of the client base.
5. "Warm traffic", since only engaged visitors visit the online resource.
6. Attraction of legal entities and individuals.
7. Analysis of demand for goods and services.
8.Placement of your ads in different countries all over the world.


Ads are placed: on billboards, in guest books, in comments, on forums, in catalogues.
Ads are placed on your: landing pages, YouTube videos, phones, websites, social media accounts, and on links to your other ads.

In this type of ad a ban by search is not possible, since ads are published without specifying an link to the website.

Working method:
You send us the text of the ad, where your unique name and identifier is indicated at the end of the message, according to which an engaged user can quickly find your online resource in search engine results in order to get further information about your product.
To do this, a unique name or identifier must be published in the appropriate section of your web page и quickly be found in search results.

Randomisation of ads is carried out according to the formula, which is accepted by many programs. As a result of randomisation, many unique ads are obtained from one ad variant.

This is obtained as a result of physically synomising the ad text, while the meaning of the messages does not change and remains understandable.

website: xn----ftbeand5abdikisgee.xn--p1ai/home/

Dátum: 21.12.2021

Vložil: contactglwrgy

Titulok: We offer a service of sending newsletters via contact forms to the sites of firms via any countries and domain zones of the world.

Dear sir!

We send Your commercial offers via contact forms to the sites of companies via any countries of the world.

website =» xn----7sbb1bbndheurc1a.xn--p1ai

This is a type of mailing using the feedback forms that are located in the contact section of the website and filled by our robot in a preset mode with a rate of a few thousand contact forms per one minute, while the alphanumeric code from the pictures (CAPTCHA) is also solved.
After that, the letters including your cooperation offers are sent to the electronic addresses of firms.
When sending mailing by contact contact forms, it turns out that each website sends a message “to itself” and, therefore, all e-mails arrive in the inbox folder of the exact e-mail in which the business receives the commercial information.

Fast 100-percent informing of companies and internet resource owners about new commercial offers.
Search of new customers that other types of advertisements cannot find.

Finding customers that cannot be found through other types of advertisements.

Benefits: hundred % delivery of commercial offers.
2.Expansion of the client database.
3. Expansion of the your market share.
4.Regionality and topic orientated mailings.
5. Sending e-mails to directors.
6. Supply/demand analysis.
7. Conducting marketing campaigns.
8. Studying public opinion and conducting surveys.
9. High-speed notification.
10. Price.
11. Entering the markets of other countries.

Our competitive advantages:
1.When sending mailing by feedback forms, all letters arrive in the inbox folder. When sending e-mail newsletters, this can reach up to 5 percent.

2.When sending mailing by contact forms it is possible to send a few million e-mails per 24 hours to inboxes. When sending bulk e-mails a few thousands arrive in the inbox folders, all the rest often either are not delivered or arrive in the spam folder.

3. When sending mailing by feedback forms an e-mail does not get blocked by mail services because it is sent from different websites. When sending mass e-mails it is possible to send a few thousands of those but nevertheless all the IP addresses from which the mailing is sent will be in "BAN".

4. When sending mailing by contact forms the minimum number of macro-synonims is used to form headings and text of the letter. When sending e-mail newsletters, it is necessary to use «macros» (synonyms) for each phrase and create ten thousand different headings.

5. A lot of organisations deliberatelly hide their email and only leave a contact form for contacting with them.

6. When sending mass e-mails, your business offer can be delivered to every employee of the company, (which causes discontent) compared to mailing by contact forms where the message is received at the email specifically set up for business offers.

7.Fifty % of business emails are located on free e-mail servers, they are not very "searchable" by electronic address, but when sending mailing by feedback forms through these e-mail servers, all messages are 100-percent delivered to the recipients.

8. Only thirty-forty percent of businesses are published in the directories within several years, and all the other ones are already located in our WHOIS databases and are waiting for your commercial offers.
Thus that mailboxes of organisations from directories are full of spam, which means that they will not have such profit as when sending mailing by feedback forms using our new VOIS databases.

9. Any kind of stop words in the headings or body of the letter can be sent through contact forms. When sending mass e-mails, such messages either do not reach the recipient or arrive in spam.
The list of stop words of mails includes almost all words and phrases that encourage recipients to take active actions.


1. Increasing the customer base.
2. Quick notification of marketplaces about new business offers.
3. Accessing directors.
4.Testing the demand for products and services.
5. Conducting tenders.
6.Conducting marketing research.
7.Conducting surveys and studying public opinion.
8. Searching for customers abroad.

Reasons for purchasing this service:

1. one hundred percent delivery of your messages and commercial offers to millions of organisations all over the globe.
Every site sends a message to itself so all filters of mail systems are bypassed.

2.Mailing by contact forms is an ideal way in in terms of conducting all sorts of researches of marketing, surveys and studies of social opinion on anytype of activity and direction.
When sending mailing by feedback forms, you will definitely know that your letter has been delivered to 100-percent of users of your product and service and if a service or product is "badly promoted", then the potential problem lies in in something else, for example in pricing.
At the same time, within a week you will see demand for your own products and services, you will not need to spend money on renting premises and other more expensive and time-consuming marketing events.

3.Mailing by feedback forms is the quickest and the most economical way to get your service or product to the international markets.

4. Mailing by feedback forms is an excellent tool for conducting various tenders.

5.Monthly update of the databases, as more than one hundred and fifty thousand new sites, appear all over the globe daily, and you, in turn, get potentially new clients.

6. Full geographical scope for all states of the world.

7. We offer clients that you will not find through other advertisement.
When sending mailing by feedback forms, you will be able to get to that part of your clients, that are impossible to find in automatic mode in any other way.
For instance, you will be able to send a commercial offer to those potential customers that were previously unavailable due to filters of mail systems while sending e-newsletters.
In reality, there is a very paradoxical situation: organisations in the directories are completely spammed with all sorts of business offers while very little or no e-mails are sent to the rest.

8. Unique technique of decoding the CAPTCHA.
There are special services for decoding numeric and alphabetic code (captcha/CAPTCHA). It costs 1$ to solve thousand CAPTCHAs.
It follows from this that, processing 1 million websites the program unravels 1 million CAPTCHAs, which costs thousand dollars only to solve captcha/CAPTCHA, and with our service this is free of charge for you!

9. By ordering mailing by contact forms, you are promoting your product or service not to separate individuals, but to organisations, for example domain .com, where more than 150 million business companies from all countries are accumulated (we have samples of them from international zones for every country).

10. Mailing by contact forms is also a type of text mailing
Mailbox that is linked to the contact form is the main e-mail address of companies through which orders and commercial offers are sent. This e-mail is also set up for phones as it is necessary to respond to the messages fast so as not to misplace the application or the relevance of the commercial offer.

11. The base of countries also includes all joint companies from all countries working with or closely related to this country, for example, national communities and diasporas.
Ban, sanctions of search engines and mail systems?
These mailings are an alternative to sending bulk e-mails, therefore search engine sanctions and "BAN" do not apply to them.
Mail service delivers the data of messages to the inbox folder, as it moves through the "warm communication channel" from the new IP address of the site to the corporate electronic address of the same site.
In other words, these mailings "live in letters" and mail filters do not react to them, because mails have a great level of trust in communication channels between websites and corporate e-mail addresses.

You can purchase our databases separately from the mailing by sending us a message by contact form.






The simplest text of the message + headings, the main goal is to interest the potential customer, and they will read the rest on your site.
Most likely, all ads on your subject are already on the networks, use the search bar and choose the most relevant ones.
The headings are substituted replacing each other from .txt file.
Only messages in the text form are sent, links are inserted without problems, they are active. If the potential customer needs pictures or more detailed information, then you should forward the future customer to visit your internet resource.

In the letter:
Text without pictures, since pictures do not pass through the contact form.
Your contact details:
Site address:

Fields to fill in:
Internet resource:
Several headings:
Electronic address for automatic responces:

website =» xn----7sbb1bbndheurc1a.xn--p1ai
Price List =» xn----7sbb1bbndheurc1a.xn--p1ai/en/price/

Dátum: 23.11.2021

Vložil: ZaumaJab

Titulok: - взять займ на карту без отказа срочно онлайн

Доброго времени суток дамы и господа, если вам срочно нужны деньги на покупку телефона или другие свои нужды... Но зарплата через несколько дней, тогда советую вам взять быстрый займ на карту без отказа и проверки кредитной истории.

На сайте под подбору онлайн займов вы сможете выбрать МФО по своим условиям и отправить заявку, обычно это занимает не более 10 минут! Также хочу добавить что во многих компаниях сейчас акция в виде бесплатного займа под 0% до 30 дней.

Dátum: 22.11.2021

Vložil: Daltonhib

Titulok: Fashion shop

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Dátum: 10.11.2021

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