Vitajte na stránkach spoločnosti Agro-Lent, s.r.o.

Spoločnosť AGRO-LENT s.r.o. Malý Šariš 189 vznikla dňa 12.9.1995.

Je zapísaná v Obchodnom registri OS Prešov , Oddiel: Sro, vložka č. : 3430/P.

Spoločnosť riadi päťčlenný vrcholový manažment pod vedením výkonného riaditeľa Ing. Petra Partla.

Spoločníci spoločnosti sú fyzické osoby, ktoré sa nepriamo podieľajú na riadení a prevádzke spoločnosti.


Predmetom podnikania je:

- poradenská činnosť v oblasti tvorby a ochrany životného prostredia

- poľnohospodárska prvovýroba

- upratovacie služby


Dátum vzniku:               12.9.1995

Právna forma:                spoločnosť s ručením obmedzeným

Sídlo spoločnosti:          Malý Šariš 189

IČO:                               31 403 123

DIČ:                               2020521514

Telefón:                         051/7722265



Páči sa Vám náš nový web?

Áno, veľmi (341)

Nie, nepáči sa mi (802)

Celkový počet hlasov: 1143

Ako zlepšiť náš web?

Dátum: 29.07.2019

Vložil: Timothylal

Titulok: New Contract Partnership

We are interested in purchasing your products and services and we sincerely hope to establish a long-term business relationship with your esteemed company. Please kindly send me your latest catalog. Also, inform me about the Minimum Order Quantity, Delivery time or FOB, and payment terms warranty. Please contact us via:
Your early reply is highly appreciated.

Dátum: 22.07.2019

Vložil: ContactForm

Titulok: The best advertising of your products and services!


We present oneself

Sending your business proposition through the Contact us form which can be found on the sites in the contact section. Contact form are filled in by our program and the captcha is solved. The superiority of this method is that messages sent through feedback forms are whitelisted. This method increases the chances that your message will be open.

Our database contains more than 25 million sites around the world to which we can send your message.

The cost of one million messages 49 USD

FREE TEST mailing of 50,000 messages to any country of your choice.

This message is automatically generated to use our contacts for communication.

Contact us.
Telegram - @FeedbackFormEU
Skype FeedbackForm2019
WhatsApp - +44 7598 509161
Email -

Dátum: 19.07.2019

Vložil: WalterUteve

Titulok: Please i need your urgent response

My name is Sebastian Perez williams. I am a financial manager in la Caixa bank Spain. I sent you an email previously regarding a 100% sure transaction of 13.5 million going on in our bank. I want to share the secret information about the fund to you. If you follow my instruction with the information I will share with you I m 100% sure that the money will be transferred to your account within 5 days.
My only interest in this transaction is to get a 50% share of the money being transferred into your account once the deal is over
This transaction is 100% risk free, I am contacting you because I strongly believe that you are in a better position to execute this business transaction with me, You will definitely be amazed and satisfied when I release the full information about the transaction to you then you will also understand why I chose you for transaction.
Kindly respond to my personal email and add your phone number in other to contact you for the full detail.
Yours Faithfully,
Sebastian Perez williams.

Dátum: 29.06.2019

Vložil: ContactForm

Titulok: A new way of advertising.


We suggesting

Sending your business proposition through the Contact us form which can be found on the sites in the contact partition. Feedback forms are filled in by our software and the captcha is solved. The profit of this method is that messages sent through feedback forms are whitelisted. This method raise the probability that your message will be open.

Our database contains more than 25 million sites around the world to which we can send your message.

The cost of one million messages 49 USD

FREE TEST mailing of 50,000 messages to any country of your choice.

This message is automatically generated to use our contacts for communication.

Contact us.
Telegram - @FeedbackFormEU
Skype FeedbackForm2019
WhatsApp - +44 7598 509161
Email -

Dátum: 14.06.2019

Vložil: ContactForm

Titulok: Do you want cheap and innovative advertising for little money?

Good day!

We make offer for you

Sending your message through the Contact us form which can be found on the sites in the Communication section. Contact form are filled in by our application and the captcha is solved. The advantage of this method is that messages sent through feedback forms are whitelisted. This method increases the chances that your message will be read.

Our database contains more than 25 million sites around the world to which we can send your message.

The cost of one million messages 49 USD

FREE TEST mailing of 50,000 messages to any country of your choice.

This message is automatically generated to use our contacts for communication.

Contact us.
Telegram - @FeedbackFormEU
Skype FeedbackForm2019
Email -
WhatsApp - +44 7598 509161

Dátum: 14.06.2019

Vložil: Lancedak

Titulok: Investment Intent

Dear Sir

Our client is interested to invest in your region for good Return on Investment.

if you have ideas, please contact us on +97365009688 or

Best regards

Mr. Mat Hernandez

Dátum: 06.03.2019

Vložil: Mr. Bunch Cristobal


With respect Sir/Madam,

Almond Trading SARL is a private company located at West African Region, Togo Republic and we are into Import & Export of goods. We need your cooperation in purchasing your products, please send us your product catalog and price list.

We wait to receive from your esteem company.

Mr. Bunch Cristobal
Owner of Almond Trading Sarl

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